Izzy: Greetings all you Baubles and Jawbles!
Elsa: What exactly is a “jawble,” might I ask?
Izzy: You can ask, but it doesn’t mean that I will know.
Elsa: So you are just making-up words now?
Izzy: Not JUST now, but yes.
Elsa: I know you have been rather creative in your vocabulary in the past, but it usually involves some cuss words.
Izzy: You’re right, allow me to rephrase… Greetings all you Bitchy Baubles and Jackass Jawbies!
Elsa: Better?
Izzy: So much…
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Elsa: That is so amazing! I love all the details and the colors. It’s like a cornucopia of delights.
Izzy: A what?
Elsa: Just like you enjoy cussing and being offensive, I like to paint romantic and fanciful word pictures to help transport our audience to the wonderful and sometimes whimsical world of fashion bliss.
Izzy: Okay.
Elsa: This eye-catching ensemble was seen on the runway and represents the lovely country of Thailand.
Izzy: It is a stunning look — like a rainbow descending gracefully against a midnight sky. See, you’re not the only one who can “paint a word picture” for our audience.
Elsa: Not bad, but when was the last time you saw a rainbow “descending” at midnight?
Izzy: Small detail.
Elsa: Not really. It’s kind of a big “detail.” Because if you think about it, rainbows are created with light and water. LIGHT….. collide.
Izzy: Yes.
Elsa: And if there is LIGHT, then it wouldn’t be midnight, most likely.
Izzy: Unless you’re at the South Pole, or perhaps visiting Santa at the North Pole.
Elsa: If you put that MUCH thought into that “word picture,” why didn’t you come-up with something better?
Izzy: Yo mama.
Elsa: Anyway, the contrast is amazing! I love the baubles.
Izzy: Don’t you mean “bitchy baubles”?
Elsa: I’m pretty sure that I do not. PomPoms like that could go seriously wrong.
Izzy: Yes. Aren’t those the same pompoms on every grandma’s curtains in the world? Or clowns. I’ve seen them on clowns.
Elsa: But here they have a whole new life and whole new beauty.
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Elsa: More colors!
Izzy: More bitchy baubles!
Elsa: I love the beads around Badger’s neck. The colors are beautiful and the scale is perfect.
Izzy: I love the top too. It looks like there is a little international inspiration going on. Or maybe it’s Biblical… Joseph and his coat of many colors.
Elsa: I’m surprised you have even heard that story.
Izzy: WHaaa???
Elsa: Anyway, I love the texture and the colors in this look. It’s so much fun.
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Izzy: I want her eyes!!
Elsa: Oh?
Izzy: Well, not her exact eyes. I mean… it’s not like I want to gouge them out of her head.
Elsa: Ewww…..
Izzy: I said that I DON’T want to do that. Sheesh…
Elsa: I am a little startled by the thought of you gouging the eyes out of this lovely kitty.
Izzy: I said I DON’T WANT TO — Don’t you listen?
Elsa: Anyway, I do agree that her eyes are SO lovely.. right there in her lovely head. Izzy.
Izzy: With eyes like that she could go totally naked and look amazing.
Elsa: Unlike you.
Izzy: HEY!
Elsa: I know what you meant. She’s so beautiful, she doesn’t need to enhance her beauty with any accessories. But the necklace she chose here really does look amazing.
Izzy: So, she’s nearly naked. That works too.
Elsa: Nakidness aside, I do think that her white fur does make a clean and stark looking background for such a lovely piece. It really helps to highlight the colors and textures in that lovely accessory.
Izzy: That is a bitchy bauble if I’ve ever seen one.
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Izzy: I think we just found our jawble.
Elsa: Which is…
Izzy: This look. Kind of the opposite of a bitchy bauble. It’s a look that has some interesting colors and texture, but is a little too busy.
Elsa: Okay, then,
Izzy: You know how the rest of our looks have shown how to successfully integrate accessories into a look?
Elsa: Yes.
Izzy: This isn’t that.
Elsa: Well, I’ve seen this dog’s Instagram, and I do think there is potential there. But this look is very over the top
Izzy: The texture in the hood and the glasses makes me nervous.
Elsa: I think it’s because you haven’t had your morning coffee.
Izzy: I think it’s because I haven’t had my morning Vodka!
Elsa: Is that what you’re putting in your coffee these days?
Izzy: I usually have a coffee with Vodka, hold the coffee.
Elsa: That I can believe.
Izzy and Elsa: Stay fabulous, Fashionistas!